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Vivek Daniel Kratika Daniel


Background: Aging is associated with the loss of muscle strength and difficulties in functional activities.
Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of exercise training program on strength of muscles and improve elderly performance of
Activity of daily living
Research design: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the current study.
Subjects: The study sample including 80 elderly clientsmale and female, were collected through one year.
Setting: This study was carried out at three geriatric homes in Minia city (Dar Omar Bn El- khatab- Dar El- Qedesa Hena- Dar El- raee el saleh).
Tools of data collection: Three tools were utilized in collecting data;
tool I : Interview structured questionnaire;
tool II : Muscle Strength Scale for upper and lower limbs;
tool III: Katz and Akpom scale;
Methods: The researcher design booklet in Arabic language and give exercises training program for elderly clients.
Results: The current study findings revealed that the level of independence of elderly clients at the end of program became (87.5%), there was a
highly Statistical significant differences in muscle strength in upper limbs that (37.5%) have normal muscle strength, also highly Statistical significant differences in lower limbs that (58.75%) have normal muscle strength in lower limb.
Conclusion : The study findings concluded that the regular performing exercises for long period enhances the performing of activity of daily living, and strength body muscles which improve general health.
Recommendations : We have to spot the light on geriatrics to be a part of the education and exercises training program in geriatric homes and community
and improve awareness of the public specially the older adults and their care giver about importance of sports and exercises.

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